What does my car insurance cover if my car is stolen?

What does my car insurance cover if my car is stolen?

If your car is stolen, what does your auto insurance cover? If you file a claim for the theft of your vehicle and you have comprehensive coverage, the deductible would apply. But what about the property taken within the car at the time of the theft?

For instance, say your vehicle is stolen and a claim is filed, it is recovered days later and after you receive the vehicle back you notice that your laptop and golf clubs are gone. Knowing the cost of those items if you were to buy them again would be costly, you call your agent and ask them to be replaced under the already open auto claim. Unfortunately, the agent would tell you that your personal items would not be covered under the auto insurance.

If you want to get your personal property replaced, a second claim would need to be filed. The next claim would fall under your renter’s/homeowner’s policy, which is where personal property is covered. The drawback with filing a claim under the renter’s/homeowner’s policy is making sure the value of the property taken from inside the car is worth more then the deductible of the policy, most deductibles on a renter’s/homeowner’s policy range from $250 to possibly $5,000.

The best practice to keep personal property safe is to bring them into your home at night. If you are unable to bring them in, make sure they are kept out of plain sight or placed inside the trunk. Always make sure your car is locked and the keys are not located in the vehicle.

Call your insurance for more information.

Written by Mackenzie Frasher

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